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Navigating Inflation: How Financial Wellness Training Can Help

Tapcheck Team   July 13, 2023

The current economic landscape, punctuated by soaring inflation rates, supply chain disruptions, and fluctuating energy prices, highlights the critical role of financial wellness training in fostering employee well-being. These volatile conditions, intensified by significant events like the COVID-19 pandemic and growing inflation, often lead to increased financial stress for employees, impacting their productivity and mental health. A 2020 Federal Reserve report revealed that nearly a quarter of adults reported high levels of financial stress, a number that increased amongst those with less financial stability. 

This environment presents employers with an opportunity to support their workforce through financial wellness training. These programs empower employees with the knowledge and skills to navigate financial hurdles, thereby promoting engagement, productivity, and financial security within the workforce. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of financial wellness training, the impact of inflation on employees’ financial wellness, and how employers can implement effective financial wellness initiatives.  

The Challenge of Inflation  

Inflation, a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services, erodes a worker’s purchasing power. This means the same amount of money can buy fewer goods and services than before. High inflation can substantially raise the cost of essential necessities like food, transportation, and housing, resulting in financial strain. 

Inflation in the U.S., as measured by the consumer price index, has surged to its highest level since 1981, hitting 8.6% in May. This rate of inflation is much higher than the monthly average of 2.3% experienced from the start of 1991 to the end of 2019. Today, Americans rate inflation as the nation’s top problem. However, the U.S. is not alone in experiencing inflationary pressure. A Pew Research Center analysis found that consumer prices have significantly risen in nearly all advanced economies since pre-pandemic times. 

The Role of Financial Wellness Training in Navigating Inflation  

Financial wellness training serves as a lifeline in these economically uncertain times. By providing knowledge about financial planning, budgeting, saving, and investing, these programs allow individuals to make informed decisions about their finances. Understanding how inflation impacts the value of money can significantly alter financial behaviors – like being more cautious with spending or focusing on savings and investments that can outpace inflation. By equipping employees with the tools to better manage their financial health, employers can help offset the detrimental impacts of inflation on their workforce. 

How Companies can Implement Effective Financial Wellness Training  

Successful implementation of a financial wellness program begins with understanding the unique needs and circumstances of your workforce. Consider conducting a needs assessment or a survey to gain insights into your employees’ financial situations and areas of concern. Financial wellness is not a one-size-fits-all concept; your program should cater to different financial needs and knowledge levels. 

One concrete example of a financial wellness initiative is called Earned Wage Access (EWA). This model allows employees to access a portion of their earned wages before their official payday, which can be a lifeline for those struggling to make ends meet or facing unexpected expenses. By providing this option, companies can help their employees avoid high-interest payday loans or credit card debt, offering earned wage access (EWA) to employees is also often free for employers making it a win-win for everyone. 

Other strategies could include regular workshops on budgeting and investing, providing access to financial advisors, or offering online resources for self-paced learning. For instance, workshops might cover topics like how to build an emergency fund, planning for retirement, or understanding the implications of inflation on savings and investments. 

Additionally, engaging external experts to deliver training can lend credibility and depth to your program. Offering one-on-one consultations with financial advisors can also provide personalized advice that caters to individual needs and circumstances. 

Lastly, don’t forget about the power of digital tools. Online resources, whether they’re interactive budgeting tools, informational webinars, or digital platforms that track financial wellness, can provide self-paced, on-demand learning for employees. 

Companies should also consider continually evaluating and iterating their financial wellness programs based on employee feedback and changing economic trends. 



In a world where inflation rates are skyrocketing due to a confluence of factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, economic policy decisions, and persistent supply disruptions, financial wellness training is no longer a luxury but a necessity. It empowers employees to take control of their financial future, leading to decreased financial stress, increased productivity, and overall improved workforce morale. Regardless of the absolute level of inflation in each country, financial wellness training is a tool that can help employees adapt and navigate these challenging times. Tapcheck makes it easy to provide financial wellness to employees, free of charge to employers. Click here to schedule a demo and learn more about how you can provide earned wage access and our financial wellness tools to employees for free!

Tapcheck Team

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